Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Triathlon for Ovarian Cancer

I have been thinking for a while that for me to complete a triathlon, even a sprint distance like the Derby Triathlon will be a major achievement. So maybe I should use it as a way to raise funds for charity.

The other day my husband and I were discussing my aching hips and back after my first run and he said that considering it was only the second time I had run in the 30 years we've been together it was probably understandable. We then reminisced about the first run I did and the conversation went a little like this...

hubby - "It was that evening you ran from work to your aerobics class"

me - "That's right - there was no run walk strategy it was run 3 miles then do aerobics - I could hardly move by the end of the class!"

hubby - "Well you did run it with Josie didn't you, what did you expect?"

me - "True, what was I thinking"

I should mention here that Josie was the fittest person I knew in our post-grad student days; she swam a mile in her lunch break, kept her bike in the flat with pride of place and her best hangover cure was to go for a run while the rest of us just lay in a heap feeling sorry for ourselves.

And then it hit me, what a beautiful symmetry - our friend Josie was a triathlete before it was even remotely trendy, then she became ill and died tragically young from ovarian cancer - how about if I raise money for "ovarian cancer action"

So I will register for the Derby Tri as soon as registration opens, the event is on 16th September 2012, I am ordering a t-shirt from "ovarian cancer action" to wear so I can advertise the charity as I go along - email is in the post! I have also opened a page on Just Giving (link below) if you want to sponsor me

Thank You

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sponsoring me Jess - you are number one!!
